Source code for drizzlepac.createMedian

Create a median image from the singly drizzled images.

:Authors: Warren Hack, Mihai Cara

:License: :doc:`LICENSE`


# Import external packages
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, unicode_literals,

import os
import sys
import math
import numpy as np
from import fits

from stsci.imagestats import ImageStats
from stsci.image import numcombine
from import iterfile, teal, logutil

from . import imageObject
from . import util
from .minmed import min_med
from . import processInput
from .adrizzle import _single_step_num_

from .version import *

# look in drizzlepac for createMedian.cfg:
__taskname__ = "drizzlepac.createMedian"
_step_num_ = 4  # this relates directly to the syntax in the cfg file

BUFSIZE = 1024*1024   # 1MB cache size

log = logutil.create_logger(__name__)

# this is the user access function
[docs]def median(input=None, configObj=None, editpars=False, **inputDict): """ Create a median image from the seperately drizzled images. """ if input is not None: inputDict["input"] = input else: raise ValueError("Please supply an input image") configObj = util.getDefaultConfigObj(__taskname__, configObj, inputDict, loadOnly=(not editpars)) if configObj is None: return if not editpars: run(configObj)
# this is the function that will be called from TEAL
[docs]def run(configObj): imgObjList, outwcs = processInput.setCommonInput( configObj, createOutwcs=False ) # outwcs is not needed here createMedian(imgObjList, configObj)
# ################################################### # ## Top-level interface from inside AstroDrizzle ## # ###################################################
[docs]def createMedian(imgObjList, configObj, procSteps=None): """ Top-level interface to createMedian step called from top-level AstroDrizzle. This function parses the input parameters then calls the `_median()` function to median-combine the input images into a single image. """ if imgObjList is None: msg = "Please provide a list of imageObjects to the median step" print(msg, file=sys.stderr) raise ValueError(msg) if procSteps is not None: procSteps.addStep('Create Median') step_name = util.getSectionName(configObj, _step_num_) if not configObj[step_name]['median']:'Median combination step not performed.') return paramDict = configObj[step_name] paramDict['proc_unit'] = configObj['proc_unit'] # include whether or not compression was performed driz_sep_name = util.getSectionName(configObj, _single_step_num_) driz_sep_paramDict = configObj[driz_sep_name] paramDict['compress'] = driz_sep_paramDict['driz_sep_compress']'USER INPUT PARAMETERS for Create Median Step:') util.printParams(paramDict, log=log) _median(imgObjList, paramDict) if procSteps is not None: procSteps.endStep('Create Median')
# this is the internal function, the user called function is below def _median(imageObjectList, paramDict): """Create a median image from the list of image Objects that has been given. """ newmasks = paramDict['median_newmasks'] comb_type = paramDict['combine_type'].lower() nlow = paramDict['combine_nlow'] nhigh = paramDict['combine_nhigh'] grow = paramDict['combine_grow'] if 'minmed' in comb_type else 0 maskpt = paramDict['combine_maskpt'] proc_units = paramDict['proc_unit'] compress = paramDict['compress'] bufsizeMB = paramDict['combine_bufsize'] sigma = paramDict["combine_nsigma"] sigmaSplit = sigma.split() nsigma1 = float(sigmaSplit[0]) nsigma2 = float(sigmaSplit[1]) if paramDict['combine_lthresh'] is None: lthresh = None else: lthresh = float(paramDict['combine_lthresh']) if paramDict['combine_hthresh'] is None: hthresh = None else: hthresh = float(paramDict['combine_hthresh']) # the name of the output median file isdefined in the output wcs object and # stuck in the image.outputValues["outMedian"] dict of every imageObject medianfile = imageObjectList[0].outputNames["outMedian"] # Build combined array from single drizzled images. # Start by removing any previous products... if os.access(medianfile, os.F_OK): os.remove(medianfile) # Define lists for instrument specific parameters, these should be in # the image objects need to be passed to the minmed routine readnoiseList = [] exposureTimeList = [] backgroundValueList = [] # list of MDRIZSKY *platescale values singleDrizList = [] # these are the input images singleWeightList = [] # pointers to the data arrays wht_mean = [] # Compute the mean value of each wht image single_hdr = None virtual = None # for each image object for image in imageObjectList: if virtual is None: virtual = image.inmemory det_gain = image.getGain(1) img_exptime = image._image['sci', 1]._exptime native_units = image.native_units native_units_lc = native_units.lower() if proc_units.lower() == 'native': if native_units_lc not in ['counts', 'electrons', 'counts/s', 'electrons/s']: raise ValueError("Unexpected native units: '{}'" .format(native_units)) if lthresh is not None: if native_units_lc.startswith('counts'): lthresh *= det_gain if native_units_lc.endswith('/s'): lthresh *= img_exptime if hthresh is not None: if native_units_lc.startswith('counts'): hthresh *= det_gain if native_units_lc.endswith('/s'): hthresh *= img_exptime singleDriz = image.getOutputName("outSingle") singleDriz_name = image.outputNames['outSingle'] singleWeight = image.getOutputName("outSWeight") singleWeight_name = image.outputNames['outSWeight'] # If compression was used, reference ext=1 as CompImageHDU only writes # out MEF files, not simple FITS. if compress: wcs_ext = '[1]' wcs_extnum = 1 else: wcs_ext = '[0]' wcs_extnum = 0 if not virtual: if isinstance(singleDriz, str): iter_singleDriz = singleDriz + wcs_ext iter_singleWeight = singleWeight + wcs_ext else: iter_singleDriz = singleDriz[wcs_extnum] iter_singleWeight = singleWeight[wcs_extnum] else: iter_singleDriz = singleDriz_name + wcs_ext iter_singleWeight = singleWeight_name + wcs_ext # read in WCS from first single drizzle image to use as WCS for # median image if single_hdr is None: if virtual: single_hdr = singleDriz[wcs_extnum].header else: single_hdr = fits.getheader(singleDriz_name, ext=wcs_extnum, memmap=False) single_image = iterfile.IterFitsFile(iter_singleDriz) if virtual: single_image.handle = singleDriz single_image.inmemory = True singleDrizList.append(single_image) # add to an array for bookkeeping # If it exists, extract the corresponding weight images if (not virtual and os.access(singleWeight, os.F_OK)) or ( virtual and singleWeight): weight_file = iterfile.IterFitsFile(iter_singleWeight) if virtual: weight_file.handle = singleWeight weight_file.inmemory = True singleWeightList.append(weight_file) try: tmp_mean_value = ImageStats(, lower=1e-8, fields="mean", nclip=0).mean except ValueError: tmp_mean_value = 0.0 wht_mean.append(tmp_mean_value * maskpt) # Extract instrument specific parameters and place in lists # If an image has zero exposure time we will # redefine that value as '1'. Although this will cause inaccurate # scaling of the data to occur in the 'minmed' combination # algorith, this is a necessary evil since it avoids divide by # zero exceptions. It is more important that the divide by zero # exceptions not cause AstroDrizzle to crash in the pipeline than # it is to raise an exception for this obviously bad data even # though this is not the type of data you would wish to process # with AstroDrizzle. # # Get the exposure time from the InputImage object # # MRD 19-May-2011 # Changed exposureTimeList to take exposure time from img_exptime # variable instead of hte image._exptime attribute, since # image._exptime was just giving 1. # exposureTimeList.append(img_exptime) # Use only "commanded" chips to extract subtractedSky and rdnoise: rdnoise = 0.0 nchips = 0 bsky = None # minimum sky across **used** chips for chip in image.returnAllChips(extname=image.scienceExt): # compute sky value as sky/pixel using the single_drz # pixel scale: if bsky is None or bsky > chip.subtractedSky: bsky = chip.subtractedSky * chip._conversionFactor # Extract the readnoise value for the chip rdnoise += chip._rdnoise**2 nchips += 1 if bsky is None: bsky = 0.0 if nchips > 0: rdnoise = math.sqrt(rdnoise/nchips) backgroundValueList.append(bsky) readnoiseList.append(rdnoise) print("reference sky value for image '{}' is " .format(image._filename, backgroundValueList[-1])) # # END Loop over input image list # # create an array for the median output image, use the size of the first # image in the list. Store other useful image characteristics: single_driz_data = singleDrizList[0].data data_item_size = single_driz_data.itemsize single_data_dtype = single_driz_data.dtype imrows, imcols = single_driz_data.shape medianImageArray = np.zeros_like(single_driz_data) del single_driz_data if comb_type == "minmed" and not newmasks: # Issue a warning if minmed is being run with newmasks turned off. print('\nWARNING: Creating median image without the application of ' 'bad pixel masks!\n') # The overlap value needs to be set to 2*grow in order to # avoid edge effects when scrolling down the image, and to # insure that the last section returned from the iterator # has enough rows to span the kernel used in the boxcar method # within minmed. overlap = 2 * grow buffsize = BUFSIZE if bufsizeMB is None else (BUFSIZE * bufsizeMB) section_nrows = min(imrows, int(buffsize / (imcols * data_item_size))) if section_nrows == 0: buffsize = imcols * data_item_size print("WARNING: Buffer size is too small to hold a single row.\n" " Buffer size size will be increased to minimal " "required: {}MB".format(float(buffsize) / 1048576.0)) section_nrows = 1 if section_nrows < overlap + 1: new_grow = int((section_nrows - 1) / 2) if section_nrows == imrows: print("'grow' parameter is too large for actual image size. " "Reducing 'grow' to {}".format(new_grow)) else: print("'grow' parameter is too large for requested buffer size. " "Reducing 'grow' to {}".format(new_grow)) grow = new_grow overlap = 2 * grow nbr = section_nrows - overlap nsec = (imrows - overlap) // nbr if (imrows - overlap) % nbr > 0: nsec += 1 for k in range(nsec): e1 = k * nbr e2 = e1 + section_nrows u1 = grow u2 = u1 + nbr if k == 0: # first section u1 = 0 if k == nsec - 1: # last section e2 = min(e2, imrows) e1 = min(e1, e2 - overlap - 1) u2 = e2 - e1 imdrizSectionsList = np.empty( (len(singleDrizList), e2 - e1, imcols), dtype=single_data_dtype ) for i, w in enumerate(singleDrizList): imdrizSectionsList[i, :, :] = w[e1:e2] if singleWeightList: weightSectionsList = np.empty( (len(singleWeightList), e2 - e1, imcols), dtype=single_data_dtype ) for i, w in enumerate(singleWeightList): weightSectionsList[i, :, :] = w[e1:e2] else: weightSectionsList = None weight_mask_list = None if newmasks and weightSectionsList is not None: # Build new masks from single drizzled images. # Generate new pixel mask file for median step. # This mask will be created from the single-drizzled # weight image for this image. # The mean of the weight array will be computed and all # pixels with values less than 0.7 of the mean will be flagged # as bad in this mask. This mask will then be used when # creating the median image. # 0 means good, 1 means bad here... weight_mask_list = np.less( weightSectionsList, np.asarray(wht_mean)[:, None, None] ).astype(np.uint8) if 'minmed' in comb_type: # Do MINMED # set up use of 'imedian'/'imean' in minmed algorithm fillval = comb_type.startswith('i') # Create the combined array object using the minmed algorithm result = min_med( imdrizSectionsList, weightSectionsList, readnoiseList, exposureTimeList, backgroundValueList, weight_masks=weight_mask_list, combine_grow=grow, combine_nsigma1=nsigma1, combine_nsigma2=nsigma2, fillval=fillval ) else: # DO NUMCOMBINE # Create the combined array object using the numcombine task result = numcombine.num_combine( imdrizSectionsList, masks=weight_mask_list, combination_type=comb_type, nlow=nlow, nhigh=nhigh, upper=hthresh, lower=lthresh ) # Write out the processed image sections to the final output array: medianImageArray[e1+u1:e1+u2, :] = result[u1:u2, :] # Write out the combined image # use the header from the first single drizzled image in the list pf = _writeImage(medianImageArray, inputHeader=single_hdr) if virtual: mediandict = {} mediandict[medianfile] = pf for img in imageObjectList: img.saveVirtualOutputs(mediandict) else: try: print("Saving output median image to: '{}'".format(medianfile)) pf.writeto(medianfile) except IOError: msg = "Problem writing file '{}'".format(medianfile) print(msg) raise IOError(msg) # Always close any files opened to produce median image; namely, # single drizzle images and singly-drizzled weight images # for img in singleDrizList: if not virtual: img.close() # Close all singly drizzled weight images used to create median image. for img in singleWeightList: if not virtual: img.close() def _writeImage(dataArray=None, inputHeader=None): """ Writes out the result of the combination step. The header of the first 'outsingle' file in the association parlist is used as the header of the new image. Parameters ---------- dataArray : arr Array of data to be written to a fits.PrimaryHDU object inputHeader : obj fits.header.Header object to use as basis for the PrimaryHDU header """ prihdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(data=dataArray, header=inputHeader) pf = fits.HDUList() pf.append(prihdu) return pf
[docs]def help(file=None): """ Print out syntax help for running astrodrizzle Parameters ---------- file : str (Default = None) If given, write out help to the filename specified by this parameter Any previously existing file with this name will be deleted before writing out the help. """ helpstr = getHelpAsString(docstring=True, show_ver=True) if file is None: print(helpstr) else: if os.path.exists(file): os.remove(file) f = open(file, mode='w') f.write(helpstr) f.close()
[docs]def getHelpAsString(docstring=False, show_ver=True): """ return useful help from a file in the script directory called """ install_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) taskname = util.base_taskname(__taskname__, __package__) htmlfile = os.path.join(install_dir, 'htmlhelp', taskname + '.html') helpfile = os.path.join(install_dir, taskname + '.help') if docstring or (not docstring and not os.path.exists(htmlfile)): if show_ver: helpString = os.linesep + \ ' '.join([__taskname__, 'Version', __version__, ' updated on ', __version_date__]) + 2*os.linesep else: helpString = '' if os.path.exists(helpfile): helpString += teal.getHelpFileAsString(taskname, __file__) else: if __doc__ is not None: helpString += __doc__ + os.linesep else: helpString = 'file://' + htmlfile return helpString
median.__doc__ = getHelpAsString(docstring=True, show_ver=False)