Source code for drizzlepac.nicmosData

Class used to model NICMOS specific instrument data.

:Authors: Christopher Hanley, David Grumm, Megan Sosey

:License: :doc:`LICENSE`

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function # confidence medium

from import fileutil
from nictools import readTDD
import numpy as np
from .imageObject import imageObject

[docs]class NICMOSInputImage(imageObject): SEPARATOR = '_' def __init__(self, filename=None): imageObject.__init__(self,filename) self.timeExt = 'TIME' # define the cosmic ray bits value to use in the dq array self.cr_bits_value = 4096 # Detector parameters, nic only has 1 detector in each file self.full_shape = (256,256) self._instrument=self._image['PRIMARY'].header["INSTRUME"] self.native_units = 'COUNTS/S' self.flatkey = 'FLATFILE' for chip in range(1,self._numchips+1,1): self._image[self.scienceExt,chip].cte_dir = 0 #no correction for nicmos self._effGain = 1. #get the specific gain from the detector subclass def _assignSignature(self, chip): """assign a unique signature for the image based on the instrument, detector, chip, and size this will be used to uniquely identify the appropriate static mask for the image this also records the filename for the static mask to the outputNames dictionary """ sci_chip = self._image[self.scienceExt,chip] ny=sci_chip._naxis1 nx=sci_chip._naxis2 detnum = sci_chip.detnum instr=self._instrument sig=(instr+str(self._detector),(nx,ny),int(detnum)) #signature is a tuple sci_chip.signature=sig #signature is a tuple
[docs] def doUnitConversions(self): """Convert the data to electrons This converts all science data extensions and saves the results back to disk. We need to make sure the data inside the chips already in memory is altered as well. """ # Image information _handle = fileutil.openImage(self._filename, mode='readonly', memmap=False) for det in range(1,self._numchips+1,1): chip=self._image[self.scienceExt,det] if chip._gain is not None: #conversionFactor = (self.getExpTime() * self.getGain()) conversionFactor = chip._gain if self.isCountRate(): conversionFactor *= chip._exptime counts_str = 'COUNTS/S' else: counts_str = 'COUNTS' # Multiply the values of the sci extension pixels by the gain. print("Converting %s[%s,%d] from %s to ELECTRONS"%(self._filename,self.scienceExt,det,counts_str)) """ # If the exptime is 0 the science image will be zeroed out. np.multiply(_handle[self.scienceExt,det].data,conversionFactor,_handle[self.scienceExt,det].data)[self.scienceExt,det].data.copy() # Set the BUNIT keyword to 'electrons' chip.header.update('BUNIT','ELECTRONS') _handle[0].header.update('BUNIT','ELECTRONS') # Update the PHOTFLAM value photflam = _handle[0].header['PHOTFLAM'] _handle[0].header.update('PHOTFLAM',(photflam/chip._gain)) chip._effGain = 1.0 """ chip._effGain = chip._gain chip._conversionFactor = conversionFactor else: msg = "Invalid gain value for data, no conversion done" print(msg) raise ValueError(msg) # Close the files and clean-up _handle.close() self._effGain = conversionFactor #1.0
def _setchippars(self): self._setDefaultReadnoise()
[docs] def getexptimeimg(self,chip): """ Return an array representing the exposure time per pixel for the detector. Returns ------- dark: array Exposure time array in the same shape as the input image """ return self._image[self.timeExt,chip].data
[docs] def getflat(self,chip): """ Method for retrieving a detector's flat field. Returns ------- flat : array The flat field array in the same shape as the input image with **units of cps**. """ flat = (1.0/super(NICMOSInputImage,self).getflat(chip))# The reference flat field is inverted return flat
[docs] def getdarkcurrent(self): """ Return the dark current for the NICMOS detectors. Returns ------- darkcurrent : float Dark current value with **units of cps**. """ try: darkcurrent = self._image[0].header['exptime'] * \ self._image[self.scienceExt,1]._darkrate except: str = "#############################################\n" str += "# #\n" str += "# Error: #\n" str += "# Cannot find the value for 'EXPTIME' #\n" str += "# in the image header. NICMOS input #\n" str += "# images are expected to have this header #\n" str += "# keyword. #\n" str += "# #\n" str += "#Error occured in the NICMOSInputImage class#\n" str += "# #\n" str += "#############################################\n" raise ValueError(str) return darkcurrent
[docs] def getdarkimg(self,chip): """ Return an array representing the dark image for the detector. Returns ------- dark : array The dark array in the same shape as the image with **units of cps**. """ # Read the temperature dependeant dark file. The name for the file is taken from # the TEMPFILE keyword in the primary header. tddobj = readTDD.fromcalfile( if tddobj is None: return np.ones(self.full_shape, dtype=self.image_dtype) * self.getdarkcurrent() else: # Create Dark Object from AMPGLOW and Lineark Dark components darkobj = tddobj.getampglow() + tddobj.getlindark() # Return the darkimage taking into account an subarray information available return darkobj[self.ltv2:self.size2,self.ltv1:self.size1]
[docs] def isCountRate(self): """ isCountRate: Method or IRInputObject used to indicate if the science data is in units of counts or count rate. This method assumes that the keyword 'BUNIT' is in the header of the input FITS file. """ has_bunit = False if 'BUNIT' in self._image['sci',1].header : has_bunit = True countrate = False if (self._image[0].header['UNITCORR'].strip() == 'PERFORM') or \ (has_bunit and self._image['sci',1].header['bunit'].find('/') != -1) : countrate = True return countrate
[docs]class NIC1InputImage(NICMOSInputImage): def __init__(self, filename=None): NICMOSInputImage.__init__(self,filename) self._effGain = 1. #get the gain from the detector subclass self._detector=self._image["PRIMARY"].header["CAMERA"] self.proc_unit = "native" def _getDarkRate(self): _darkrate = 0.08 #electrons/s if self.proc_unit == 'native': _darkrate = _darkrate / self._effGain # DN/s return _darkrate def _getDefaultReadnoise(self): """ This could be updated to calculate the readnoise from the NOISFILE. """ _rdnoise = 26.0 # electrons if self.proc_unit == 'native': _rdnoise = _rdnoise / self._effGain # ADU return _rdnoise
[docs] def setInstrumentParameters(self, instrpars): """ This method overrides the superclass to set default values into the parameter dictionary, in case empty entries are provided. """ pri_header = self._image[0].header self.proc_unit = instrpars['proc_unit'] if self._isNotValid (instrpars['gain'], instrpars['gnkeyword']): instrpars['gnkeyword'] = 'ADCGAIN' #gain has been hardcoded below if self._isNotValid (instrpars['rdnoise'], instrpars['rnkeyword']): instrpars['rnkeyword'] = None if self._isNotValid (instrpars['exptime'], instrpars['expkeyword']): instrpars['expkeyword'] = 'EXPTIME' for chip in self.returnAllChips(extname=self.scienceExt): chip._gain= 5.4 #measured gain chip._rdnoise = self.getInstrParameter(instrpars['rdnoise'], pri_header, instrpars['rnkeyword']) chip._exptime = self.getInstrParameter(instrpars['exptime'], pri_header, instrpars['expkeyword']) if chip._gain is None or self._exptime is None: print('ERROR: invalid instrument task parameter') raise ValueError # We need to treat Read Noise as a special case since it is # not populated in the NICMOS primary header if chip._rdnoise is None: chip._rdnoise = self._getDefaultReadnoise() chip._darkrate=self._getDarkRate() chip.darkcurrent = self.getdarkcurrent() chip._effGain = chip._gain self._assignSignature(chip._chip) #this is used in the static mask, static mask name also defined here, must be done after outputNames # Convert the science data to electrons if specified by the user. self.doUnitConversions()
[docs]class NIC2InputImage(NICMOSInputImage): def __init__(self,filename=None): NICMOSInputImage.__init__(self,filename) self._effGain=1. #measured self._detector=self._image["PRIMARY"].header["CAMERA"] self.proc_unit = "native" def _getDarkRate(self): _darkrate = 0.08 #electrons/s if self.proc_unit == 'native': _darkrate = _darkrate / self._effGain # DN/s return _darkrate def _getDefaultReadnoise(self): _rdnoise = 26.0 #electrons if self.proc_unit == 'native': _rdnoise = _rdnoise/self._effGain #ADU return _rdnoise
[docs] def setInstrumentParameters(self, instrpars): """ This method overrides the superclass to set default values into the parameter dictionary, in case empty entries are provided. """ pri_header = self._image[0].header self.proc_unit = instrpars['proc_unit'] if self._isNotValid (instrpars['gain'], instrpars['gnkeyword']): instrpars['gnkeyword'] = 'ADCGAIN' #gain has been hardcoded below if self._isNotValid (instrpars['rdnoise'], instrpars['rnkeyword']): instrpars['rnkeyword'] = None if self._isNotValid (instrpars['exptime'], instrpars['expkeyword']): instrpars['expkeyword'] = 'EXPTIME' for chip in self.returnAllChips(extname=self.scienceExt): chip._gain= 5.4 #measured gain chip._rdnoise = self.getInstrParameter(instrpars['rdnoise'], pri_header, instrpars['rnkeyword']) chip._exptime = self.getInstrParameter(instrpars['exptime'], pri_header, instrpars['expkeyword']) if chip._gain is None or self._exptime is None: print('ERROR: invalid instrument task parameter') raise ValueError # We need to treat Read Noise as a special case since it is # not populated in the NICMOS primary header if chip._rdnoise is None: chip._rdnoise = self._getDefaultReadnoise() chip._darkrate=self._getDarkRate() chip.darkcurrent = self.getdarkcurrent() chip._effGain = chip._gain self._assignSignature(chip._chip) #this is used in the static mask, static mask name also defined here, must be done after outputNames # Convert the science data to electrons if specified by the user. self.doUnitConversions()
[docs] def createHoleMask(self): """Add in a mask for the coronographic hole to the general static pixel mask. """ pass
[docs]class NIC3InputImage(NICMOSInputImage): def __init__(self,filename=None): NICMOSInputImage.__init__(self,filename) self._detector=self._image["PRIMARY"].header["CAMERA"] #returns 1,2,3 self._effGain = 1. self.proc_unit = "native" def _getDarkRate(self): _darkrate = 0.15 #electrons/s if self.proc_unit == 'native': _darkrate = _darkrate/self._effGain #DN/s return _darkrate def _getDefaultReadnoise(self): _rdnoise = 29.0 # electrons if self.proc_unit == 'native': _rdnoise = _rdnoise/self._effGain #ADU return _rdnoise
[docs] def setInstrumentParameters(self, instrpars): """ This method overrides the superclass to set default values into the parameter dictionary, in case empty entries are provided. """ pri_header = self._image[0].header self.proc_unit = instrpars['proc_unit'] if self._isNotValid (instrpars['gain'], instrpars['gnkeyword']): instrpars['gnkeyword'] = 'ADCGAIN' if self._isNotValid (instrpars['rdnoise'], instrpars['rnkeyword']): instrpars['rnkeyword'] = None if self._isNotValid (instrpars['exptime'], instrpars['expkeyword']): instrpars['expkeyword'] = 'EXPTIME' for chip in self.returnAllChips(extname=self.scienceExt): chip._gain= 6.5 #measured gain chip._rdnoise = self.getInstrParameter(instrpars['rdnoise'], pri_header, instrpars['rnkeyword']) chip._exptime = self.getInstrParameter(instrpars['exptime'], pri_header, instrpars['expkeyword']) if chip._gain is None or self._exptime is None: print('ERROR: invalid instrument task parameter') raise ValueError # We need to treat Read Noise as a special case since it is # not populated in the NICMOS primary header if chip._rdnoise is None: chip._rdnoise = self._getDefaultReadnoise() chip._darkrate=self._getDarkRate() chip.darkcurrent = self.getdarkcurrent() chip._effGain = chip._gain self._assignSignature(chip._chip) #this is used in the static mask, static mask name also defined here, must be done after outputNames # Convert the science data to electrons if specified by the user. self.doUnitConversions()