Source code for drizzlepac.wcs_functions


:Authors: Warren Hack

:License: :doc:`LICENSE`

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function # confidence medium

import os,copy
import numpy as np
from numpy import linalg

from import fileutil, asnutil, logutil
from . import util
import stwcs

from astropy import wcs as pywcs
from stwcs import distortion, wcsutil
from stwcs.distortion import coeff_converter, utils
from stwcs.wcsutil import altwcs

DEFAULT_WCS_PARS = {'ra':None,'dec':None,'scale':None,'rot':None,

import logging
log = logutil.create_logger(__name__)

# Default mapping function based on PyWCS
[docs]class WCSMap: """ Sample class to demonstrate how to define a coordinate transformation """ def __init__(self,input,output,origin=1): # Verify that we have valid WCS input objects self.checkWCS(input,'Input') self.checkWCS(output,'Output') self.input = input self.output = copy.deepcopy(output) #self.output = output self.origin = origin self.shift = None self.rot = None self.scale = None
[docs] def checkWCS(self,obj,name): try: assert isinstance(obj, pywcs.WCS) except AssertionError: print(name +' object needs to be an instance or subclass of a PyWCS object.') raise
[docs] def forward(self,pixx,pixy): """ Transform the input pixx,pixy positions in the input frame to pixel positions in the output frame. This method gets passed to the drizzle algorithm. """ # This matches WTRAXY results to better than 1e-4 pixels. skyx,skyy = self.input.all_pix2world(pixx,pixy,self.origin) result= self.output.wcs_world2pix(skyx,skyy,self.origin) return result
[docs] def backward(self,pixx,pixy): """ Transform pixx,pixy positions from the output frame back onto their original positions in the input frame. """ skyx,skyy = self.output.wcs_pix2world(pixx,pixy,self.origin) result = self.input.all_world2pix(skyx,skyy,self.origin) return result
[docs] def get_pix_ratio(self): """ Return the ratio of plate scales between the input and output WCS. This is used to properly distribute the flux in each pixel in 'tdriz'. """ return self.output.pscale / self.input.pscale
[docs] def xy2rd(self,wcs,pixx,pixy): """ Transform input pixel positions into sky positions in the WCS provided. """ return wcs.all_pix2world(pixx,pixy,1)
[docs] def rd2xy(self,wcs,ra,dec): """ Transform input sky positions into pixel positions in the WCS provided. """ return wcs.wcs_world2pix(ra,dec,1)
[docs]def get_pix_ratio_from_WCS(input,output): """ [Functional form of .get_pix_ratio() method of WCSMap]""" return output.pscale/input.pscale
## # #### Default no-op transformation # ##
[docs]class IdentityMap: def __init__(self,input,output): print('Applying identity transformation...') self.input = input self.output = output
[docs] def forward(self,pixx,pixy): return pixx,pixy
## # #### Linear transformation mapper # ##
[docs]class LinearMap: def __init__(self,xsh=0.0,ysh=0.0,rot=0.0,scale=1.0): # Define rotation matrix _theta = np.deg2rad(rot) _mrot = np.zeros(shape=(2,2),dtype=np.float64) _mrot[0] = (np.cos(_theta),np.sin(_theta)) _mrot[1] = (-np.sin(_theta),np.cos(_theta)) # apply scaling factor to rotation matrix self.transform = _mrot*scale # define offset to be applied to positions after rotation self.offset = [[xsh],[ysh]]
[docs] def forward(self,pixx,pixy): return,[pixx,pixy])+self.offset
## # #### Stand-alone functions for WCS handling # ##
[docs]def get_hstwcs(filename,hdulist,extnum): ''' Return the HSTWCS object for a given chip. ''' hdrwcs = wcsutil.HSTWCS(hdulist,ext=extnum) hdrwcs.filename = filename hdrwcs.expname = hdulist[extnum].header['expname'] hdrwcs.extver = hdulist[extnum].header['extver'] return hdrwcs
[docs]def build_hstwcs(crval1, crval2, crpix1, crpix2, naxis1, naxis2, pscale, orientat): """ Create an HSTWCS object for a default instrument without distortion based on user provided parameter values. """ wcsout = wcsutil.HSTWCS() wcsout.wcs.crval = np.array([crval1,crval2]) wcsout.wcs.crpix = np.array([crpix1,crpix2]) wcsout.naxis1 = naxis1 wcsout.naxis2 = naxis2 = fileutil.buildRotMatrix(orientat)*[-1,1]*pscale/3600.0 # Synchronize updates with PyWCS/WCSLIB objects wcsout.wcs.set() wcsout.setPscale() wcsout.setOrient() wcsout.wcs.ctype = ['RA---TAN','DEC--TAN'] return wcsout
[docs]def update_linCD(cdmat, delta_rot=0.0, delta_scale=1.0, cx=[0.0,1.0], cy=[1.0,0.0]): """ Modify an existing linear CD matrix with rotation and/or scale changes and return a new CD matrix. If 'cx' and 'cy' are specified, it will return a distorted CD matrix. Only those terms which are varying need to be specified on input. """ rotmat = fileutil.buildRotMatrix(delta_rot)*delta_scale new_lincd =,rotmat) cxymat = np.array([[cx[1],cx[0]],[cy[1],cy[0]]]) new_cd =,cxymat) return new_cd
[docs]def create_CD(orient, scale, cx=None, cy=None): """ Create a (un?)distorted CD matrix from the basic inputs The 'cx' and 'cy' parameters, if given, provide the X and Y coefficients of the distortion as returned by reading the IDCTAB. Only the first 2 elements are used and should correspond to the 'OC[X/Y]10' and 'OC[X/Y]11' terms in that order as read from the expanded SIP headers. The units of 'scale' should be 'arcseconds/pixel' of the reference pixel. The value of 'orient' should be the absolute orientation on the sky of the reference pixel. """ cxymat = np.array([[cx[1],cx[0]],[cy[1],cy[0]]]) rotmat = fileutil.buildRotMatrix(orient)*scale/3600. new_cd =,cxymat) return new_cd
[docs]def ddtohms(xsky,ysky,verbose=False,precision=6): """ Convert sky position(s) from decimal degrees to HMS format.""" xskyh = xsky /15. xskym = (xskyh - np.floor(xskyh)) * 60. xskys = (xskym - np.floor(xskym)) * 60. yskym = (np.abs(ysky) - np.floor(np.abs(ysky))) * 60. yskys = (yskym - np.floor(yskym)) * 60. fmt = "%."+repr(precision)+"f" if isinstance(xskyh,np.ndarray): rah,dech = [],[] for i in range(len(xskyh)): rastr = repr(int(xskyh[i]))+':'+repr(int(xskym[i]))+':'+fmt%(xskys[i]) decstr = repr(int(ysky[i]))+':'+repr(int(yskym[i]))+':'+fmt%(yskys[i]) rah.append(rastr) dech.append(decstr) if verbose: print('RA = ',rastr,', Dec = ',decstr) else: rastr = repr(int(xskyh))+':'+repr(int(xskym))+':'+fmt%(xskys) decstr = repr(int(ysky))+':'+repr(int(yskym))+':'+fmt%(yskys) rah = rastr dech = decstr if verbose: print('RA = ',rastr,', Dec = ',decstr) return rah,dech
# #### Functions for applying pixel-based transformations #
[docs]def build_pixel_transform(chip,output_wcs): driz_pars = {} driz_pars['pxg'] = np.zeros([2,2],dtype=np.float32) driz_pars['pyg'] = np.zeros([2,2],dtype=np.float32) # Use default C mapping function _inwcs = np.zeros([8],dtype=np.float64) driz_pars['inwcs'] = convertWCS(output_wcs.wcs,_inwcs) indx = chip.outputNames['data'].find('.fits') driz_pars['coeffs_name'] = chip.outputNames['data'][:indx]+'_coeffs'+str(chip.detnum)+'.dat' # # Need to compute and write out coeffs files for each chip as well. # xcoeffs,ycoeffs = coeff_converter.sip2idc(chip.wcs) # account for the case where no IDCSCALE has been set, due to a # lack of IDCTAB or to 'coeffs=False'. idcscale = chip.wcs.idcscale if idcscale is None: idcscale = chip.wcs.pscale xcoeffs /= idcscale ycoeffs /= idcscale driz_pars['coeffs'] = [xcoeffs,ycoeffs] abxt,cdyt = wcsfit(chip.wcs,output_wcs) #abxt[2] -= xzero #cdyt[2] -= yzero driz_pars['abxt'] = abxt driz_pars['cdyt'] = cdyt driz_pars['delta_rot'] = fileutil.RADTODEG(np.arctan2(abxt[1],cdyt[0])) # Compute scale from fit to allow WFPC2 (and similar) data to be handled correctly driz_pars['scale'] = 1./np.sqrt(abxt[0]**2 + abxt[1]**2) driz_pars['tddalpha'] = chip.header['tddalpha'] driz_pars['tddbeta'] = chip.header['tddbeta'] return driz_pars
# # Possibly need to generate a stand-alone interface for this function. # #### Primary interface for creating the output WCS from a list of HSTWCS objects
[docs]def make_outputwcs(imageObjectList, output, configObj=None, perfect=False): """ Computes the full output WCS based on the set of input imageObjects provided as input, along with the pre-determined output name from process_input. The user specified output parameters are then used to modify the default WCS to produce the final desired output frame. The input imageObjectList has the outputValues dictionary updated with the information from the computed output WCS. It then returns this WCS as a WCSObject(imageObject) instance. """ if not isinstance(imageObjectList,list): imageObjectList = [imageObjectList] # Compute default output WCS, replace later if user specifies a refimage hstwcs_list = [] undistort=True for img in imageObjectList: chip_wcs = copy.deepcopy(img.getKeywordList('wcs')) # IF the user turned off use of coeffs (coeffs==False) if not configObj['coeffs']: for cw in chip_wcs: # Turn off distortion model for each input cw.sip = None cw.cpdis1 = None cw.cpdis2 = None cw.det2im = None undistort=False hstwcs_list += chip_wcs if not undistort and len(hstwcs_list) == 1: default_wcs = hstwcs_list[0].deepcopy() else: default_wcs = utils.output_wcs(hstwcs_list, undistort=undistort) if perfect: = make_perfect_cd(default_wcs) # Turn WCS instances into WCSObject instances outwcs = createWCSObject(output, default_wcs, imageObjectList) # Merge in user-specified attributes for the output WCS # as recorded in the input configObj object. final_pars = DEFAULT_WCS_PARS.copy() # More interpretation of the configObj needs to be done here to translate # the input parameter names to those understood by 'mergeWCS' as defined # by the DEFAULT_WCS_PARS dictionary. single_step = configObj[util.getSectionName(configObj, 3)] singleParDict = configObj[util.getSectionName(configObj, '3a')].copy() if single_step['driz_separate'] and singleParDict['driz_sep_wcs']: single_pars = DEFAULT_WCS_PARS.copy() del singleParDict['driz_sep_wcs'] keyname = 'driz_sep_' for key in singleParDict: k = key[len(keyname):] if k != 'refimage': single_pars[k] = singleParDict[key] # Now, account for any user-specified reference image def_wcs = default_wcs.deepcopy() if singleParDict[keyname + 'refimage']: default_wcs = wcsutil.HSTWCS(singleParDict[keyname + 'refimage']) ### Create single_wcs instance based on user parameters outwcs.single_wcs = mergeWCS(default_wcs, single_pars) # restore global default WCS to original value so single_drizzle WCS does not # influence final_drizzle WCS default_wcs = def_wcs.deepcopy() final_step = configObj[util.getSectionName(configObj,7)] finalParDict = configObj[util.getSectionName(configObj,'7a')].copy() if final_step['driz_combine'] and finalParDict['final_wcs']: del finalParDict['final_wcs'] keyname = 'final_' for key in finalParDict: k = key[len(keyname):] if k != 'refimage': final_pars[k] = finalParDict[key] # Now, account for any user-specified reference image if finalParDict[keyname + 'refimage']: rootname,extnum = fileutil.parseFilename(finalParDict[keyname+'refimage']) extnum = util.findWCSExtn(finalParDict[keyname+'refimage']) print('Creating OUTPUT WCS from {}[{}]'.format(rootname,extnum)) default_wcs = wcsutil.HSTWCS('{}[{}]'.format(rootname,extnum)) ### Create single_wcs instance based on user parameters outwcs.final_wcs = mergeWCS(default_wcs, final_pars) outwcs.wcs = outwcs.final_wcs.copy() # Apply user settings to create custom output_wcs instances # for each drizzle step updateImageWCS(imageObjectList, outwcs) return outwcs
[docs]def make_perfect_cd(wcs): """ Create a perfect (square, orthogonal, undistorted) CD matrix from the input WCS. """ def_scale = (wcs.pscale) / 3600. def_orientat = np.deg2rad(wcs.orientat) perfect_cd = def_scale * np.array( [[-np.cos(def_orientat),np.sin(def_orientat)], [np.sin(def_orientat),np.cos(def_orientat)]] ) return perfect_cd
[docs]def calcNewEdges(wcs, shape): """ This method will compute sky coordinates for all the pixels around the edge of an image AFTER applying the geometry model. Parameters ---------- wcs : obj HSTWCS object for image shape : tuple numpy shape tuple for size of image Returns ------- border : arr array which contains the new positions for all pixels around the border of the edges in alpha,dec """ naxis1 = shape[1] naxis2 = shape[0] # build up arrays for pixel positions for the edges # These arrays need to be: array([(x,y),(x1,y1),...]) numpix = naxis1*2 + naxis2*2 border = np.zeros(shape=(numpix,2),dtype=np.float64) # Now determine the appropriate values for this array # We also need to account for any subarray offsets xmin = 1. xmax = naxis1 ymin = 1. ymax = naxis2 # Build range of pixel values for each side # Add 1 to make them consistent with pixel numbering in IRAF # Also include the LTV offsets to represent position in full chip # since the model works relative to full chip positions. xside = np.arange(naxis1) + xmin yside = np.arange(naxis2) + ymin #Now apply them to the array to generate the appropriate tuples #bottom _range0 = 0 _range1 = naxis1 border[_range0:_range1,0] = xside border[_range0:_range1,1] = ymin #top _range0 = _range1 _range1 = _range0 + naxis1 border[_range0:_range1,0] = xside border[_range0:_range1,1] = ymax #left _range0 = _range1 _range1 = _range0 + naxis2 border[_range0:_range1,0] = xmin border[_range0:_range1,1] = yside #right _range0 = _range1 _range1 = _range0 + naxis2 border[_range0:_range1,0] = xmax border[_range0:_range1,1] = yside edges = wcs.all_pix2world(border[:,0],border[:,1],1) return edges
[docs]def computeEdgesCenter(edges): alpha = fileutil.DEGTORAD(edges[0]) dec = fileutil.DEGTORAD(edges[1]) xmean = np.mean(np.cos(dec)*np.cos(alpha)) ymean = np.mean(np.cos(dec)*np.sin(alpha)) zmean = np.mean(np.sin(dec)) crval1 = fileutil.RADTODEG(np.arctan2(ymean,xmean))%360.0 crval2 = fileutil.RADTODEG(np.arctan2(zmean,np.sqrt(xmean*xmean+ymean*ymean))) return crval1,crval2
#### Utility functions for working with WCSObjects
[docs]def createWCSObject(output,default_wcs,imageObjectList): """Converts a PyWCS WCS object into a WCSObject(baseImageObject) instance.""" from . import imageObject outwcs = imageObject.WCSObject(output) outwcs.default_wcs = default_wcs outwcs.wcs = default_wcs.copy() outwcs.final_wcs = default_wcs.copy() outwcs.single_wcs = default_wcs.copy() outwcs.updateContextImage(imageObjectList[0].createContext) # # Add exptime information for use with drizzle # outwcs._exptime,outwcs._expstart,outwcs._expend = util.compute_texptime(imageObjectList) outwcs.nimages = util.countImages(imageObjectList) return outwcs
[docs]def removeAllAltWCS(hdulist,extlist): """ Removes all alternate WCS solutions from the header """ log.setLevel(logging.WARNING) hdr = hdulist[extlist[0]].header wkeys = altwcs.wcskeys(hdr) if ' ' in wkeys: wkeys.remove(' ') for extn in extlist: for wkey in wkeys: if wkey == 'O': continue altwcs.deleteWCS(hdulist,extn,wkey) # Forcibly remove OPUS WCS Keywords, since deleteWCS will not do it hwcs = readAltWCS(hdulist,extn,wcskey='O') if hwcs is None: continue for k in hwcs.keys(): if k not in ['DATE-OBS','MJD-OBS'] and k in hdr: try: del hdr[k] except KeyError: pass log.setLevel(logging.INFO)
[docs]def updateImageWCS(imageObjectList, output_wcs): # Update input imageObjects with output WCS information for img in imageObjectList: img.updateOutputValues(output_wcs)
[docs]def restoreDefaultWCS(imageObjectList, output_wcs): """ Restore WCS information to default values, and update imageObject accordingly. """ if not isinstance(imageObjectList,list): imageObjectList = [imageObjectList] output_wcs.restoreWCS() updateImageWCS(imageObjectList, output_wcs)
def _rotateCD(cd, theta): # This is the old (pre-astropy PR #5189 - # see as this the version # of the rotateCD expected in 'mergeWCS' below theta = np.deg2rad(theta) cth = np.cos(theta) sth = np.sin(theta) return, [[cth, sth], [-sth, cth]]) def _py2round(x): """ This function returns a rounded up value of the argument, similar to Python 2. """ if hasattr(x, '__iter__'): rx = np.empty_like(x) m = x >= 0.0 rx[m] = np.floor(x[m] + 0.5) m = np.logical_not(m) rx[m] = np.ceil(x[m] - 0.5) return rx else: if x >= 0.0: return np.floor(x + 0.5) else: return np.ceil(x - 0.5) def _check_custom_WCS_pars(par1_name, par2_name, user_pars): par1 = par1_name in user_pars and user_pars[par1_name] is not None par2 = par2_name in user_pars and user_pars[par2_name] is not None if par1 != par2: if par1: par1n = par1_name par2n = par2_name else: par1n = par2_name par2n = par1_name raise ValueError("When WCS parameter '{}' is specified, '{}' must " "be specified as well.".format(par1n, par2n)) return par1 def _check_close_scale(scale, ref): rtol = 10.0 * np.finfo(float).eps atol = 100.0 * np.finfo(float).tiny return np.isclose(scale, ref, atol=atol, rtol=rtol)
[docs]def mergeWCS(default_wcs, user_pars): """ Merges the user specified WCS values given as dictionary derived from the input configObj object with the output PyWCS object computed using distortion.output_wcs(). The user_pars dictionary needs to have the following set of keys:: user_pars = {'ra':None,'dec':None,'scale':None,'rot':None, 'outnx':None,'outny':None,'crpix1':None,'crpix2':None} """ # # Start by making a copy of the input WCS... # outwcs = default_wcs.deepcopy() # If there are no user set parameters, just return a copy of # the original WCS: if all([upar is None for upar in user_pars.values()]): return outwcs if _check_custom_WCS_pars('ra', 'dec', user_pars): _crval = (user_pars['ra'], user_pars['dec']) else: _crval = None if ('scale' in user_pars and user_pars['scale'] is not None and not _check_close_scale(user_pars['scale'], outwcs.pscale)): _scale = user_pars['scale'] _ratio = outwcs.pscale / _scale else: _ratio = None _scale = None if ('rot' not in user_pars) or user_pars['rot'] is None: _delta_rot = None else: _delta_rot = outwcs.orientat - user_pars['rot'] if _delta_rot == 0.0: _delta_rot = None if _check_custom_WCS_pars('crpix1', 'crpix2', user_pars): _crpix = (user_pars['crpix1'], user_pars['crpix2']) else: _crpix = None shape = None if _check_custom_WCS_pars('outnx', 'outny', user_pars): shape = ( int(_py2round(user_pars['outnx'])), int(_py2round(user_pars['outny'])) ) if shape[0] < 1 or shape[1] < 1: raise ValueError("Custom WCS output image size smaller than 1") if _crpix is None: # make sure new image is centered on the CRPIX of the old WCS: _crpix = ((shape[0] + 1.0) / 2.0, (shape[1] + 1.0) / 2.0) else: if _delta_rot is None: # no rotation is involved if _ratio is not None: # apply scale only: # compute output image shape: shape = ( max(1, int(_py2round(_ratio * outwcs._naxis1))), max(1, int(_py2round(_ratio * outwcs._naxis2))) ) # update CRPIX: if _crpix is None: _crpix = 1.0 + _ratio * (outwcs.wcs.crpix - 1.0) else: _corners = np.array( [[0.5, 0.5], [outwcs._naxis1 + 0.5, 0.5], [0.5, outwcs._naxis2 + 0.5], [outwcs._naxis1 + 0.5, outwcs._naxis2 + 0.5]] ) - outwcs.wcs.crpix if _ratio is not None: # scale corners: _corners *= _ratio # rotate corners and find new image range: ((_xmin, _xmax), (_ymin, _ymax)) = util.getRotatedSize(_corners, _delta_rot) # compute output image shape: # NOTE: _py2round may be replaced with np.ceil shape = ( max(1, int(_py2round(_xmax - _xmin))), max(1, int(_py2round(_ymax - _ymin))) ) if _crpix is None: # update CRPIX: _crpix = (-_xmin + 0.5, -_ymin + 0.5) # Set up the new WCS based on values from old one: if _ratio is not None: # Update plate scale = / _ratio outwcs.pscale = _scale # update orientation if _delta_rot is not None: = _rotateCD(, _delta_rot) outwcs.orientat -= _delta_rot if shape is not None: # update size: outwcs._naxis1, outwcs._naxis2 = shape # update reference position if _crpix is not None: outwcs.wcs.crpix = np.array(_crpix, dtype=np.float64) if _crval is not None: outwcs.wcs.crval = np.array(_crval, dtype=np.float64) return outwcs
[docs]def convertWCS(inwcs,drizwcs): """ Copy WCSObject WCS into Drizzle compatible array.""" drizwcs[0] = inwcs.crpix[0] drizwcs[1] = inwcs.crval[0] drizwcs[2] = inwcs.crpix[1] drizwcs[3] = inwcs.crval[1] drizwcs[4] =[0][0] drizwcs[5] =[1][0] drizwcs[6] =[0][1] drizwcs[7] =[1][1] return drizwcs
[docs]def updateWCS(drizwcs,inwcs): """ Copy output WCS array from Drizzle into WCSObject.""" crpix = np.array([drizwcs[0],drizwcs[2]], dtype=np.float64) crval = np.array([drizwcs[1],drizwcs[3]], dtype=np.float64) cd = np.array([[drizwcs[4],drizwcs[6]],[drizwcs[5],drizwcs[7]]], dtype=np.float64) = cd inwcs.crval = crval inwc.crpix = crpix inwcs.pscale = N.sqrt(N.power([0][0],2)+N.power([1][0],2)) * 3600. inwcs.orient = N.arctan2([0][1],[1][1]) * 180./N.pi
[docs]def wcsfit(img_wcs, ref_wcs): """ Perform a linear fit between 2 WCS for shift, rotation and scale. Based on the WCSLIN function from 'drutil.f'(Drizzle V2.9) and modified to allow for differences in reference positions assumed by PyDrizzle's distortion model and the coeffs used by 'drizzle'. Parameters ---------- img : obj ObsGeometry instance for input image ref_wcs : obj Undistorted WCSObject instance for output frame """ # Define objects that we need to use for the fit... #in_refpix = img_geom.model.refpix wmap = WCSMap(img_wcs,ref_wcs) cx, cy = coeff_converter.sip2idc(img_wcs) # Convert the RA/Dec positions back to X/Y in output product image #_cpix_xyref = np.zeros((4,2),dtype=np.float64) # Start by setting up an array of points +/-0.5 pixels around CRVAL1,2 # However, we must shift these positions by 1.0pix to match what # drizzle will use as its reference position for 'align=center'. _cpix = (img_wcs.wcs.crpix[0],img_wcs.wcs.crpix[1]) _cpix_arr = np.array([_cpix,(_cpix[0],_cpix[1]+1.), (_cpix[0]+1.,_cpix[1]+1.),(_cpix[0]+1.,_cpix[1])], dtype=np.float64) # Convert these positions to RA/Dec _cpix_rd = wmap.xy2rd(img_wcs,_cpix_arr[:,0],_cpix_arr[:,1]) #for pix in xrange(len(_cpix_rd[0])): _cpix_xref,_cpix_yref = wmap.rd2xy(ref_wcs,_cpix_rd[0],_cpix_rd[1]) _cpix_xyref = np.zeros((4,2),dtype=np.float64) _cpix_xyref[:,0] = _cpix_xref _cpix_xyref[:,1] = _cpix_yref """ # needed to handle correctly subarrays and wfpc2 data if img_wcs.delta_refx == 0.0 and img_wcs.delta_refy == 0.0: offx, offy = (0.0,0.0) else: offx, offy = (1.0, 1.0) """ offx, offy = (0.0,0.0) # Now, apply distortion model to input image XY positions #_cpix_xyc = np.zeros((4,2),dtype=np.float64) _cpix_xyc = utils.apply_idc(_cpix_arr, cx, cy, img_wcs.wcs.crpix, img_wcs.pscale, order=1) # Need to get the XDELTA,YDELTA values included here in order to get this # to work with MDTng. #if in_refpix: # _cpix_xyc += (in_refpix['XDELTA'], in_refpix['YDELTA']) # Perform a fit between: # - undistorted, input positions: _cpix_xyc # - X/Y positions in reference frame: _cpix_xyref abxt,cdyt = fitlin(_cpix_xyc,_cpix_xyref) # This correction affects the final fit when you are fitting # a WCS to itself (no distortion coeffs), so it needs to be # taken out in the coeffs file by modifying the zero-point value. # WJH 17-Mar-2005 abxt[2] -= ref_wcs.wcs.crpix[0] + offx cdyt[2] -= ref_wcs.wcs.crpix[1] + offy return abxt,cdyt
[docs]def fitlin(imgarr,refarr): """ Compute the least-squares fit between two arrays. A Python translation of 'FITLIN' from 'drutil.f' (Drizzle V2.9). """ # Initialize variables _mat = np.zeros((3,3),dtype=np.float64) _xorg = imgarr[0][0] _yorg = imgarr[0][1] _xoorg = refarr[0][0] _yoorg = refarr[0][1] _sigxox = 0. _sigxoy = 0. _sigxo = 0. _sigyox = 0. _sigyoy = 0. _sigyo = 0. _npos = len(imgarr) # Populate matrices for i in range(_npos): _mat[0][0] += np.power((imgarr[i][0] - _xorg),2) _mat[0][1] += (imgarr[i][0] - _xorg) * (imgarr[i][1] - _yorg) _mat[0][2] += (imgarr[i][0] - _xorg) _mat[1][1] += np.power((imgarr[i][1] - _yorg),2) _mat[1][2] += imgarr[i][1] - _yorg _sigxox += (refarr[i][0] - _xoorg)*(imgarr[i][0] - _xorg) _sigxoy += (refarr[i][0] - _xoorg)*(imgarr[i][1] - _yorg) _sigxo += refarr[i][0] - _xoorg _sigyox += (refarr[i][1] - _yoorg)*(imgarr[i][0] -_xorg) _sigyoy += (refarr[i][1] - _yoorg)*(imgarr[i][1] - _yorg) _sigyo += refarr[i][1] - _yoorg _mat[2][2] = _npos _mat[1][0] = _mat[0][1] _mat[2][0] = _mat[0][2] _mat[2][1] = _mat[1][2] # Now invert this matrix _mat = linalg.inv(_mat) _a = _sigxox*_mat[0][0]+_sigxoy*_mat[0][1]+_sigxo*_mat[0][2] _b = -1*(_sigxox*_mat[1][0]+_sigxoy*_mat[1][1]+_sigxo*_mat[1][2]) #_x0 = _sigxox*_mat[2][0]+_sigxoy*_mat[2][1]+_sigxo*_mat[2][2] _c = _sigyox*_mat[1][0]+_sigyoy*_mat[1][1]+_sigyo*_mat[1][2] _d = _sigyox*_mat[0][0]+_sigyoy*_mat[0][1]+_sigyo*_mat[0][2] #_y0 = _sigyox*_mat[2][0]+_sigyoy*_mat[2][1]+_sigyo*_mat[2][2] _xt = _xoorg - _a*_xorg+_b*_yorg _yt = _yoorg - _d*_xorg-_c*_yorg return [_a,_b,_xt],[_c,_d,_yt]
[docs]def fitlin_rscale(xy,uv,verbose=False): """ Performs a linear, orthogonal fit between matched lists of positions 'xy' (input) and 'uv' (output). Output: (same as for fit_arrays_general) """ mu = uv[:,0].mean() mv = uv[:,1].mean() mx = xy[:,0].mean() my = xy[:,1].mean() u = uv[:,0] - mu v = uv[:,1] - mv x = xy[:,0] - mx y = xy[:,1] - my Sxx =,x) Syy =,y) Sux =,x) Suy =,y) Svx =,x) Svy =,y) # implement parity check if (,Svy) > 0): p = 1 else: p = -1 XX = p*Sux + Svy YY = Suy - p*Svx # derive output values theta_deg = fileutil.RADTODEG(np.arctan2(YY,XX))% 360.0 scale = np.sqrt(XX**2 + YY**2) / (Sxx+Syy) shift = (mu-mx,mv-my) if verbose: print('Linear RSCALE fit: rotation = ',theta_deg,' scale = ',scale,' offset = ',shift) coeffs = scale * fileutil.buildRotMatrix(-theta_deg) P = [coeffs[0,0],coeffs[0,1],shift[0]] Q = [coeffs[1,1],coeffs[1,0],shift[1]] return P,Q
[docs]def fitlin_clipped(xy,uv,verbose=False,mode='rscale',nclip=3,reject=3): """ Perform a clipped fit based on the number of iterations and rejection limit (in sigma) specified by the user. This will more closely replicate the results obtained by 'geomap' using 'maxiter' and 'reject' parameters. """ fitting_funcs = {'rscale':fitlin_rscale,'general':fitlin} # Get the fitting function to be used fit_func = fitting_funcs[mode.lower()] # Perform the initial fit P,Q = fit_func(xy,uv) xyc = apply_fitlin(xy,P,Q) # compute residuals from fit for input positions dx = uv[:,0] - xyc[0] dy = uv[:,1] - xyc[1] fit_rms = [dx.std(),dy.std()] if nclip > 0: data = xy.copy() outdata = uv.copy() numclipped = 0 for i in range(nclip): iterclipped = 0 xyc = apply_fitlin(data,P,Q) # compute residuals from fit for input positions dx = outdata[:,0] - xyc[0] dy = outdata[:,1] - xyc[1] # find indices of outliers in x and y xout = np.where(np.abs(dx - dx.mean()) > reject*dx.std()) yout = np.where(np.abs(dy - dy.mean()) > reject*dy.std()) # concatenate those indices and sort them outliers_indx = xout[0].tolist()+yout[0].tolist() outliers_indx.sort() # define the full range of indices for the data points left full_indx = list(range(data.shape[0])) # remove all unique indices specified in outliers from full range for o in outliers_indx: # only remove if it has not been removed already # accounts for the same point being an outlier in both x and y if full_indx.count(o) > 0: full_indx.remove(o) iterclipped += 1 if iterclipped == 0: break numclipped += iterclipped if verbose: print('Removed a total of ',numclipped,' points through iteration ',i+1) # create clipped data data_iter = np.zeros([len(full_indx),2],dtype=data.dtype) if verbose: print('Iter #',i+1,' data:',data.shape,data_iter.shape,len(full_indx)) data_iter[:,0] = data[:,0][full_indx] data_iter[:,1] = data[:,1][full_indx] outdata_iter = np.zeros([len(full_indx),2],dtype=data.dtype) outdata_iter[:,0] = outdata[:,0][full_indx] outdata_iter[:,1] = outdata[:,1][full_indx] # perform the fit again with the clipped data and go to the next iteration data = data_iter outdata = outdata_iter P,Q = fit_func(data,outdata) # compute residuals from fit for input positions xyc = apply_fitlin(data,P,Q) dx = outdata[:,0] - xyc[0] dy = outdata[:,1] - xyc[1] fit_rms = [dx.std(),dy.std()] if verbose: print('Fit clipped ',numclipped,' points over ',nclip,' iterations.') return P,Q,fit_rms
[docs]def apply_fitlin(data,P,Q): # start by parsing coefficients into affine matrix and offset fit = np.array([[P[0],P[1]],[Q[1],Q[0]]]) xsh = P[2] ysh = Q[2] if fit is not None: xy1 =,fit) xy1x = xy1[:,0] + xsh xy1y = xy1[:,1] + ysh return xy1x,xy1y
[docs]def readAltWCS(fobj, ext, wcskey=' ', verbose=False): """ Reads in alternate primary WCS from specified extension. Parameters ---------- fobj : str, `` fits filename or fits file object containing alternate/primary WCS(s) to be converted wcskey : str [" ",A-Z] alternate/primary WCS key that will be replaced by the new key ext : int fits extension number Returns ------- hdr: fits.Header header object with ONLY the keywords for specified alternate WCS """ log.setLevel(logging.WARNING) if isinstance(fobj, str): fobj =, memmap=False) hdr = altwcs._getheader(fobj, ext) try: nwcs = pywcs.WCS(hdr, fobj=fobj, key=wcskey) except KeyError: if verbose: print('readAltWCS: Could not read WCS with key %s' % wcskey) print(' Skipping %s[%s]' % (fobj.filename(), str(ext))) return None hwcs = nwcs.to_header() if nwcs.wcs.has_cd(): hwcs = altwcs.pc2cd(hwcs, key=wcskey) log.setLevel(logging.INFO) return hwcs